She is considered Princess Bubblegum's companion, like Jake is Finn's companion. Lady is laid-back and likes to interact with Jake and Princess Bubblegum. She is also Jake the Dog's girlfriend, and sometimes follows Finn and Jake on their adventures. The plumbing behind them is different, but for all looking at it from the outside will tell you, they might as well have seventeen different sexes.Lady Rainicorn is a female Rainicorn and is Princess Bubblegum's royal steed, best friend, and companion. Penguins have the same privates whether they're male or female, a "cloaca". For the record, he only even looked because of how little idea he had.Guess that didn't make it past the radar. In the original storyboard, a hybrid of the Ice King and Gunter hatched from Gunter's egg.He even briefly looks at where Gunter would have genitals when presented with the question, appears to realize that he has no idea what he's looking at, then tosses Gunter and the egg over his shoulder without a second thought.The Ice King says no, but is unsure himself. Also, when Finn and Jake find out that Gunter is pregnant, Jake exclaims "Gunter's a WOMAN?!".Another poster (titled Five Knuckle Romance) has two ninjas ripping each other's hearts out.

In the Ice King's secret chamber, there is a poster of a girl in a bikini with the title Bikini Assassin on it.Word of God states its a really messed up bikini though.

One can only wonder where/why they got it. There is a painting of a naked woman (that is conveniently torn to cover her up) that shows up in the background of many episodes in the Tree Fort.Violence is used a lot, and yes, characters have been killed on screen, sometimes in very vivid ways, like getting impaled.Especially when taking Tree Trunks's crush on Finn into consideration. Now if Fionna and Cake was the default setting instead of the Gender Flip, maybe we'd have heard more from the Moral Guardians. 13 year old Finn's Ship Teases with characters like Princess Bubblegum and Marceline who are both physically 18.Upon finding that Princess Bubblegum had regressed to 13 years old in Mortal Folly, he immediately loses interest in her. Justifiably, at least all the princesses he's attempting to marrabductare of legal age.Ice King's obsession with capturing girls that are much younger than him.Apparently she was originally called Abortion Princess. Embryo Princess actually shows up in the background of a couple episodes.Many of the characters use Unusual Euphemisms in place of swear words.Word of God says that Finn's demon blood sword will be his standard sword from now on, so every episode that features his sword will get blood past the radar by default.